Assessment of the ACSE Science Learning Environment and the Impact of Movies and Simulations

J.F. Pane, "Assessment of the ACSE Science Learning Environment and the Impact of Movies and Simulations," Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-94-162, Pittsburgh, PA, June 1994, 20 pages.

also appears as:

Human Computer Interaction Institute Technical Report CMU-HCII-94-105.

This paper describes an empirical study that assesses a multimedia science learning environment, and the impact on student learning of movies and simulations as lesson components. The study measures summative effects on student performance and satisfaction, and gathers formative data about student use of the environment for iterative improvement to the system and lessons. Two lessons containing movies and simulations were compared with lessons that used static graphics to present the same material. Preliminary results show that participants using the lesson with movies and simulations spend significantly more time working through the material, and score higher on questions that target material that is presented with simulation. Analysis of usage patterns identifies features of the system that are effective, underutilized, misunderstood or problematic.

Full Paper:
CMU-CS-94-162.pdf (145 KB).

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